growing out your grey
hair by: Michelle Casino
It’s been a long year: and we have had so much time to just sit around and let our hair go gray.
To go Grey or not to go Grey seems to be the question.
It seems there are two teams. For those that started with color in hair our before, and then we went Grey: we seem to think we did that more for a look than perseverance.
And for those of you that have been touching up your roots every three to four weeks to hide the bearable truth it feels like why not just embrace it.
Grey is good.
There’s a third party if you embrace your Grey, why not have a little fun with it too. Color some pieces: pink maybe a short dramatic cut. Our clients rock these looks!
Here’s how to start the process:
We need to be patient and if anything this year we have learned a little about that. So, grow your roots until you can’t stand it any more.
Yes, you can use spray to camouflage while it’s the beginning but no glosses or stains and for god sake no natural colors from Whole Foods. Believe it or not natural hair dye is the hardest to get through.
So we have that covered or uncovered.
Grow your roots out as long as you can so we can see what’s really going on with your natural color and then we can try to highlight them to match your grow out.
Here are some amazing matches and and grow outs that might inspire you so take a look and be inspired.
Grey is good.
hair by: Michelle Casino
by Amy Schiappa
by Lundy @locksbylundy